Interactive books designed to inspire your child
We design, produce and Project Manage the entire project, scheduling everyone involved, including the publisher, authors, editorial, illustrators, proof readers, production and design, as well as looking after the budget. This is serious project management that sets us apart from other agencies.
Oh and don’t forget the covers, there is a lot more to them than first meets the eye – after all people judge the book by them!
Our two youngest children love this book and keep on going back to it again and again
Amazon review
Fun book which has a range of activities in it. It is entertaining as well as educational
Amazon review
Character Development Editorial Illustration Logo Design Picture Research Project Management Series Design
- Website
Tap me againGive a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
- Branding
Tap me againIt is not often that a publisher re-brands all its covers, but when Hodder Education did, they asked us
- Publishing
Tap me againAs seen on TV, reaching children of the world